Welding: 4 basic techniques
Learn how to weld by just having a go and experience the skill required. The 4 most widely used welding techniques are tried out and discussed, as well as preparation, safety and some of the (im) possibilities when constructing metal objects. Learn what the weld pool, welding arc, angle and timing do for your weld. To speed up the process, we’ll start each evening with a bit of theory. After that, you‘ll be better able to set up the machine and work on your own skills.
- Duration: 4 evenings in 4 weeks (4×3 hours) from 19.00h to 22.00h. No class during school holidays.
- Goal: Basic ability with the most common welding methods.
- Target group: Everyone who wants to have a go at melting metal (preferably together).
- Level: BASIC-advanced-expert.
- Content per evening:
- 1st: Basic theory on arc welding, safety and start practicing MIG welding.
- 2nd: Introduction into material knowledge and practicing electrode welding.
- 3rd: Introduction into construction. Practicing Tig and oxyacetylene welding.
- 4th: Basic settings of welding equipment and free practice with self-selected welding technique.
- Teacher: Glyn Giles.
- Form: 6 to 8 persons.
- Machines: MIG, TIG, electrode (stick) and oxyacetylene welding equipment.
- Peculiarities: including materials.
Our courses are partly demand-driven. For each course, the order of subjects and the attention per section can therefore vary, depending on the needs of the participants.