You can also rent your own separate workspace at the Openbare WerkPlaats, within the A10 ring road and with free parking during work. We have workspaces from 20 til 55m2. Availability is limited.
Each workspace consists of a lockable part of the ground floor, with lighting and electrical connections (16A, 220V and 380V) and an attic/storage of the same dimensions. There is no heating, water and sewer in the workspace itself. The private space is accessible 24/7. Prices are excluding electricity and excluding usage of the machines in the Openbare Werkplaats.
The rooms are only rented out including mandatory buy out of machine use in the workshop. For the prices see ‘Rental prices own workplace’. You can organize the layout of the workspace largely according to your wishes, depending on the rental period (from 1 month).
Our goal is to offer especially (starting) professionals and creatives a place of their own, who see an added value in the rent of the space in combination with the use of the facilities of the Public Workplace. Please contact us for details.
You can of course also start with renting a workbench per half day and if the jobs increase in size and/or regularity, transfer to the rent of a ‘private’ workspace. An interim solution for jobs that take a week to a month is to rent a ‘private’ space in the workshop. See ‘Workbench’ for more price info.